Aug 22 2011
Going public? IPO in Hong Kong
There is a lot of law firms offering the IPO ( Initial Public Offering) assistance, however once you decide to go public be aware that to be listed at the stock it doesn’t qualify you as a successful company admiring by thousands of investors and on the end efficiently traded! Before you go public pay attention to the company who will secure your marketing and awareness among investors. It’s totally the same what you do now in order to be successful in your business model you have to know how to sell with listed shares is the same! Yours company might be well known between competitors and customers using the particular service however between investors it’s just another company coming to raise a capital! Marketing, marketing and again marketing! The process of coming public it’s simple standard procedure how to gain public money and use it for further company development. Law firms are mostly rigid and don’t bring any innovative solution how to sell your shares, that’s why you should be concerned about the way how to let know to investors that your company is really the one who should get the attention! There is many regulations governing the release of information by the company or any of its advisers in connection with an IPO so called “Publicity restrictions” – the regulations governing the release of information in connection with an IPO are contained in the Companies Ordinace, the SFO, guidelines issued by the SFC (Securities and Futures Commission), and the Listing Rules.
Lear more on the webpage of Securities and Futures Commission. Click here for Advertising Guidelines Applicable to Collective Investment Schemes Authorized under the Product Codes.