Jul 6 2011
An Apostille – What, Where, Why…?
An Apostille is a special seal provided by local government to certified that the document is true copy of an original. It is a standard certification provided under The Hague Conference on Private International Law from 1961.
Please, see the official list of members (71 States and the European Union). You can see on the official website of desire jurisdiction and contact local government in order to get an Apostille for your copy of original.
The Legalisation Office website for U.K
If you would like to open up a bank account in Hong Kong without coming to sign all documents Startupr might get done this for you. Some of HK banks will require to have an Apostille from local government in order to be sure that your copied document (e.g. password, incorporation certificate, etc.) is authentic with the original one. There is many reasons why to use local government to certified your documents. It’s just the highest level of authorization declaring that the particular document is correct. It’s mostly used to prove that the copy of the document is recognized as a true copy in another jurisdiction.