Sep 21 2011
Ireland Private Company Limited by Shares
The major advantage of Ireland is the low corporation tax – 12,5%Â which attracts many e-commerce business. E-comm refers to the selling and buying of goods/products or services through e-platform/electornic systems such as Internet. This part might include even another part of the business such as – developing, selling, consulting and marketing. E-commerce has become past a few years one of the biggest growing business area. Ireland hosts e.g. Google – its quite obvious why they chose Ireland. Although the country is very successful in attracting entrepreneur from around the world, they have a hard time to encourage local small business. That’s why you will be more than welcome to launch yours business in here. For the EU operation Ireland has a lot of offers – Business Expansion Scheme (BES) and the Seed Capital Scheme (SCS).
Irish Company Facts:
Irish company law is contained in the Companies Acts 1963 – 2009
Limits the number of its members to 50Prohibits any public subscription to shares or debentures
Irish companies need at least one resident director
A company must have an auditor, and accounts must be filed each year ( some companies might prepare abbreviated version of accounts)
A company is formed by submitting its Memorandum and Articles of Association