Apr 17 2013
What is the dormant status?
A dormant company is one that does not carry on business and has no income for the whole of the preceding year.
Benefit of Dormant status?
It allows an inactive company (company incorporated in Hong Kong) to be retained at a minimum maintenance cost since a dormant company under Section 344A of the Ordinance is Exempt from complying with the following requirements as laid down in the Company Ordinance.
When is a company deemed to be a dormant company?
If a company passed a special resolution (pdf Format) declaring the company would become dormant, the company will be deemed to be dormant as from:
(i) the date of delivery of the special resolution to the Registrar of Companies
You can download Specimens of the special resolutions in here.
Where a company becomes dormant, it will not be necessary for the company to comply with these annual obligations. A company is still required to submit an annual return for the year in which it declares itself to be dormant.
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