Apr 24 2013
Belgian and/or Chinese customs
From one of our customers. We have been aske to announce this event:
Dear Mr. Milar,
After many years of doing business with China, you may have come across some customs issues with Belgian and/or Chinese customs while exporting your goods to China or importing goods into Belgium.
To offer our help and assistance in a more tailored way, we would like to invite you to our 4th ChinaCustoms event on Monday, May 6, 2013 during which you can meet the new Belgian Customs Attaché, Mr. Eddy De Cuyper, based in Beijing. Moreover, you will have the chance to discuss your problem privately with the responsible persons from the Belgian & Chinese customs during an individual meeting.
14:00 – 14:30: Registration
14:30 – 14:35: Welcome speech by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman, BCECC
14:35 – 14:50: Presentation by Mr. Sun Xiangyang, Minister Counsellor Customs, Mission of P.R. China to the EU (Hong Kong)
14:50 – 15:05: Presentation by Mr. Eddy De Cuyper, New Customs Attaché in Beijing, China
15:05 – 16:30: Networking reception in the lobby
15:15 – …: Start of private individual meetings
Places are limited for an individual meeting, we register on a first come, first serve basis! Please send usan email before April 26, 2013 with your questions and/or problems in order to receive more detailed answers to your questions.
Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel
Brussels National Airport
1930 Brussels
Located across the departure halls of the airport.
Interested in joining us? Please send us the attached registration form by e-mail to events@bcecc.be or by fax to 02 649 04 39. Subscription fee for BCECC members is 30€/person and 60€/person for non-members.
Best regards,
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