Aug 18 2011
Internet and Offshore activities through International Business Company in BVI
If you think about to open a offshore company in British Virgin Island (BVI), most like you will chose International Business Company (IBC). Here is a few informations concerning the main facts about British Virgin Island’s company.; while Internet trading and IBC will give you full advantage to use BVI taxation.
IBC – International Business Company– Companies Limited by Shares – the most popular form of BVI company
– Exempt from income tax and from stamp duty
– Almost all insurance company, mutual and hedge funds and foreign investors and traders use IBC
– No special rules applying to foreign or BVI employees of operations
– No exchange control One of the most typical nature of business are; sales, export ( without a lading in your country of residence), marketing, web development, software, training, supply of financial services and many others. Not only services though, physical goods might avoid a permanent establishment (taxable presence) altogether in many high-tax jurisdictions. A few points you should be aware of:
1. Choose the right jurisdiction and company form
– in our case: British Virgin Island and International Business Company, you might have a bank account in some another country if you prefer so
2. Set the technical part
– chose your hosting provider and phone location
3. Your business model
answer your questions: How, where, when and what?! If you are about to open up a bank account in BVI visit our websites!
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